About the Author

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Chris Nicholas is a writer and blogger from Brisbane, Australia. He has authored two novels, featured on multiple websites, and possess a passion for literature, music, sports, culture, and food.

Chris is perhaps best known by his peers for his tendency to talk too much, a proclivity for deep contemplation (also known as over-thinking), and the over indulgent habit of treating his dog as if she were human.

He is always on the look out for new and exciting opportunities, and loves to hear directly from anyone who stumbles upon his site. If you wish to contact him please feel free to do so through the section below, or follow him on Facebook.

390 thoughts on “About the Author”

  1. Dear Chris: So glad you enjoyed my recent story on Brisbane and the Gold Coast. Best wishes. Chris

  2. Thanks for liking my recent post, and good essay on the concept of alpha in relation to humans. There are breeding programs introducing the red wolf back into the ecosystem here in Alabama, Florida, and the Southeast. Also, there’s a new emergent species, the coywolf. PBS has a doc on both coywolves and red wolves. You’re correct about the usage of “alpha” in relation to humans and piss poor behavior. It’s a stereotype that’s damaged the reputation of wolves, even ignorantly used to thwart conservation efforts. We’ve had encounters with the type of assholery you’re talking about – and you’re right, there’s a huge difference.

    I grew up in the mountains of Tennessee (Great Smokies) and north Alabama. I’ve had my run-ins with bonafide misogynists. It pisses me off when pop culture and “intersectionality” purposefully confuses and conflates masculinity with misogyny. That shit needs to stop. If the politically correct tittie-babies of pseudo issues knew and witnessed the shit I have they may just think twice about their cry-bullying. Pseudo narratives too often over-shout and obfuscate actual victims. i.e. My sister’s friend, Joanie, was shot and killed in front of her son in 2018. They were driving to the boy’s birthday party. (https://wdef.com/2018/07/16/sister-remembers-soddy-daisy-woman-killed-domestic-violence-situation) And, yes, there’s a long history of domestic violence behind that crime. (The Twelve Tribes origin is located in this area of Tennessee. Local culture and churches promote domestic battery.)

    Keep writing and drawing a definitive line between masculinity and assholery. I feel that much of the anti-masculine rhetoric is damaging to kids, especially little boys. I’ve often used the term “patriarchy” in both positive and negative ways, which infuriates every angle and side. It’s a neutral word; we pack our own meaning onto it. A good patriarch is the bread-winner who provides for his family, and does so lovingly not lordingly. No example of a negative use of that term needed.
    Take care,
    Here’s some links on wolves:
    https://www.tigersfortomorrow.org/ (We know the owners of this preserve. No, it’s not a show or pet-a-tiger place.)

  3. Hi Chris,

    Thank you for visiting my blog even though it is shabby. I appreciate it a lot. It is still a work in progress. Hope to learn from you. Stay safe.

  4. Hello Chris,

    Just wanted to say thank you so much for liking my post ! Your support is truly appreciated.
    Hope you and your loved ones are staying safe.

    Nicki W.

  5. Hello Chris,

    Just wanted to say thank you so much for liking my post ! Your support is truly appreciated.
    Hope you and your loved ones are staying safe.

    Nicki W.

  6. Hi Chris, thanks so much for liking my post. I’ve just read the last few posts of yours: very moving and admirably honest. A lesson in putting yourself out there. Wishing you all the very best!
    P.s. I visited Brisbane in March just before lockdown. I feel very lucky to have had that travel opportunity and I found it a wonderful, friendly city!

  7. Hello Chris,

    Thank you for visiting my blog! I had to stop by to see what you’ve been up to and am happy to find that you are working on your next novel! Wonderful news!

  8. Thanks for stopping by yet again and liking The Egg Salad Sandwich by The Gastronomy Gal. I wrote a similar one as well, Egg Avocado Sandwich; a simple and quick breakfast-to-go. Hope you’ll check it out too.
    Appreciate your virtual support.

  9. Hey Chris! Thanks for liking my last post. Great blog posts you have here as well! It takes a lot of courage to be this vulnerable with the whole world. I admire you for that!

  10. Thanks for visiting Wing’s World! From one writer to another…keep it up. And say hi to Oz from me. Only got to travel there once, 15 years ago. Would LOVE to return someday!

  11. Hi Chris! I just read your piece of fiction entitled “Journals” and really loved it! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and like a couple of my posts. I really appreciate it. I wish you many new and exciting writing adventures ahead! 🙂

  12. Hey, thanks for checking out our page! Every bit of writing I do comes from a creative writing/fiction background, so trust me when I say that even though the blog is travel related, I can appreciate good, fun writing. Awesome stuff man!

  13. Hello Hello, t wanted to stop by and say “Thank You” for the follow. Hope that my content can encourage you 🙂

  14. I enjoyed your recent post and thank you for stopping by and liking mine! I appreciate your words and your perspective on life! Karla

  15. Thanks for reading and liking my recent WebPress post on “Marriage and Discovery” on ubstill.com.

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